Ines Papert

Lectures for organizations and businesses

Everything starts with a goal. Everything starts with a goal. Then the decision is made to tackle its realization. This stage begins with preparation. Only then is it time to start the journey.

Dann der Entscheid, seine Umsetzung konsequent anzupacken. Dies beginnt mit der Vorbereitung. Erst dann ist es Zeit aufzubrechen.

Frank Kretschmann
Photo: Frank Kretschmann

As is necessary in business, being in the mountains requires discipline, strategy, trust, respect and courage. In my business presentations, I show how my experience with rock and ice can be applied to the corporate world!

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Here is a selection of my clients:

Accenture, Autohaus Biebighäuser, Bayerische Landesbank, Bielen Asgodom, BMW, capgemini AG, Crédit Suisse, Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner, IBM, Kabel Deutschland, Landrover, LBS Alumniverein, LGT Capital Partners, Opel, Raiffeisenbank, Sparkasse, Toyota, Volksbank, Zurich Versicherungen, Gore